I can't use my custom domain

I’m making a bot has a webpanel and i wanted to add a custom domain to it my domain is beanbot.cf and i cant add www.beanbot.cf when I try to add www.beanbot.cf glitch says “www.beanbot.cf is already registered for glitch” but it shouldn’t what should I do :frowning:

project name: beanbot-router

Hey @ben_baris.d, welcome to the Glitch forum!

I’ve removed that domain from the project it was associated with, so you should be able to use it again. Sorry for the bother!

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but done one more time why??

Not sure what you’re asking here, but I’ll take a guess. That domain was associated with one of your projects that you’d since deleted. The Custom Domains feature in Glitch is super-beta, so we don’t have a way right now for folks to manage their own domains, so in order for you to use it on a new project I had to remove it from the previous one.

Does that answer your question?

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