I created my own little blogging service with WriteFreely and Glitch (TheKoinobori)


So essentially, WriteFreely got a bit smaller, so I was able to put it on Glitch.

Might as well turn it into a multi-user instance and let people try it out.

Rules for the platform

What is WriteFreely? The open source platform that runs write.as. Basically a blogging platform.

Project URL (sign ups open!) | WriteFreely website |


Pretty cool! 1st Post of mine

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It’s shut down, I have to wipe the entire database because somebody decided to spam the instance so much that

a. the project was in risk of being suspended
b. the boosted project ran out of memory


You may set ratelimit for one IP. Or you may put the database in /tmp so it won’t waste the persistent storage.

Might not be possible. I would have to keep regenerating keys and keep adding myself as an admin.

Can you add captchas?

Possibly, I would have to use the api to make my own sign up page, but that’s fine

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Great! Congratulations and support! It’s very cool when someone creates and develops something on their own in the direction that interests him!

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