I made an online 1v1 Dr.Mario game

I started a passion project to turn Dr.Mario into a 1v1 online multiplayer game and I have a first prototype complete! I’ve been working on this since last summer and I’d love to see what yall think, I’m always welcome to constructive feedback. Its now live on https://dr-mario-98.glitch.me/

Please let me know what you think!

Heres some info about the game:

:joystick: Here’s Some More About the Game! :video_game:

  • :busts_in_silhouette: Two Ways to Play:
  • :game_die: *Free Play – Get matched with random players for a quick 1v1 battle.
  • Create a Room – Set up a private match and play with friends!
  • :microbe: Virus Battle Mechanic:
  • Every time you eliminate a virus, you send a pill pellet to your opponent. When the pellet lands, it transforms into a new virus on their board! The faster you clear your board, the more pressure you put on your opponent!
  • :trophy: Win Conditions:
  • The first player to clear all viruses or force the opponent to fill their board wins!

Hurray! :grinning:

@jennwrites @jenn check this out.


Yesssss I love fighting viruses :muscle:

i love my doctor, dr. mario