You can’t do this directly with the git import feature, but you have access to git in the console inside your project, so you can do it from there with normal git commands.
I’ve opened up the console in my glitch project (ctrl+shift+x) and tried “git pull url_to_subfolder” and “git clone url_to_subfolder” neither of which work. They produce a “fatal: repository not found” error. This is the way I would download from github to my computer using normal git commands, but I’m no expert in git.
Are you running those commands shortly after creating the Glitch project? Git isn’t available straight away, it auto-commits after 15 minutes or so and is available after the first one.
Thanks Gareth. I’ve logged back in today and glitch did indeed pull from my git hub subdirectory. I assumed the changes were instant, similar to using the “import from glitch” button.
To clarify, it’s just the creation of the git repo which is slightly delayed after creating a new project. Once in place, everything else happens instantly as you’d expect - so importing via a git command happens straight away.