Is it normal for my gitignore file to get automatically renamed to "gitignore_conflict..."?

Everytime I create a gitignore file, it gets renamed and after reading a few other posts I have come to the conclusion that it probably should not do that, is that right?

EDIT: Project’s link:!/peeky

I cant seem to find a way fix this, but I know that it’s most likely not working correctly on my project cause when I checked other projects, the gitignore file did not have the end with “conflict_…”

I have never seen this happen before, but if you want to double click on the file and change the name back to .gitingore then everything should be fine.

Thanks for getting back to me, but the last time I tried this, it didn’t work. I’ll try again once I’m home and let you know

Yeah still no luck with that

Can you invite me to your project, I would like to take a closer look at this.

Hey @Vojtech_Jilovec I think this odd behavior may be related to the fact that you have a directory called .gitignore. Can you try running the follow commands in your project’s console:

rm -rf .gitignore
rm -rf gitignore
mv .gitignore_conflict_f6f4d75d1a44 .gitignore

Once that’s done let’s see if you run into the same problem.


The problem seems to have been fixed.
Big thanks to Callum and Cori for taking the time with me again! :tada:

I have fixed the problem, I ran these commands in the following order:

rm -rf .gitignore*
rm -rf .git

Then I created the .gitignore file, and copied the contents over and that had solved the problem
One thing to keep in mind, because I removed the .git file, you will not be able to rewind to anything before now. I would not have removed it but I was looking around on the web at what others have done when they had this problem, and nearly all of them had to do the same thing.

Glad I could help, if you need any more help then make sure to create a topic and we will be there whenever we can!