Is it possible, so that when you export to Github, it doesn't make the 'glitch' branch and will push to whatever branch you specify

Is it possible, so that when you export to Github, it doesn’t make the ‘glitch’ branch and will push to whatever branch you specify

Not that I know of. However, you can set Glitch to be the default branch on GitHub

I think it would have to be using the terminal…

Hey @anon7375287,

That forum post you linked to is about importing a specific branch from GitHub, but what @youngchief has asked is about exporting to the ‘master’ branch instead of the ‘glitch’ branch. :slight_smile:

@khalby786 Exactly, but I just export using the cli, as well

just wish it was easier

or just migrate using the link in glitch (import and export)

then everything gets pushed to the master branch

Then if you want Glitch default commits to stop, run this in the Glitch terminal


echo '#!/bin/sh
#       if the prepared commit message ends with "Checkpoint", abort the commit
if grep -q "Checkpoint$" "$1"; then
        echo "Skipping default commit" >> /tmp/message
        exit 1
fi' > /app/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg && chmod +x /app/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg

This comes in very handy too, it saves a lot of memory!

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