Javascripting lesson - ' Here's the official solution in case you want to compare notes:' doesnt display solution


running through the javascripting course - when you successfully complete an exercis- the ‘success’ pages have a section"
“Here’s the official solution in case you want to compare notes:”

which, at least for me on firefox 57/osx 10.12.6 displays nada.

less importantly, at the bottom, there’s a sentence ’ finished all the challenges! Hooray!’ - is that supposed to lead with a variable with my account name at the head of the sentence?

Ah, sorry about that. The way I made it work in the browser rather than the console is a little brittle. I’ve fixed up those issues. Thanks for reporting.

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aww yiss - there’s a solution link present now, once i re-remixed the lesson. Thank you, Gareth! :+1: