Let’s Upgrade to npm version 10.9.0 or later

Can we please upgrade to (npm version 10.9.0). I wanted to use angularCLI and it is causing some problems.

You can just upgrade in the package.json file

npm could be upgraded by executing

npm i -g npm

The latest npm version to date is 6.13.7. Version 10.9.0 will be released in distant future.

NPM version or Node version??? I’m really confused.

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You corn-fused right, @khalby786? So…

  • Latest npm version is 6.13.7 as of Feb. 5.
  • The latest Node.js LTS is 12.15.0 and 12.x releases will EOL on April 30, next year while the current Node.js release for development servers is 13.8.0, which will EOL on June 1.
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Okay, I got confused because @Amohamed2479 requested for upgrading NPM to a version that doesn’t exist.

And @Amohamed2479, AngularCLI requires Node version of at least v10.13 and not npm. You can upgrade the Node version by going to your package.json and updating it with this code:

"engines": { "node": "10.15.3" }

(See here for all Node versions available on Glitch)

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