Lifetime Glitch Pro

The (dumb) idea

I know, I know, this is a dumb idea, but what about a Glitch lifetime PRO plan?

Edit: I found out that someone that works at Glitch (it does not say his/her name) has already proposed this on this medium article

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  • I vote :+1:
  • Very dumb idea! :x:
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<removed because my old calculations were very wrong and dumb>

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oops forgot to post

Ok, I clicked “very dumb idea” but, I don’t mean it like that

Glitch Pro forever does not seem feasible to me because well, they have to pay AWS costs, they have to pay energy costs, and because it’s a hosting service, you have to constantly pay for it, so a lifetime plan would not work in the long-term. Once the money runs out, then it’s gone and they can’t pay any hosting costs.


It would be cool if glitch pro was pay as you go, for example I could have one project with all the boosted specs and stuff for a certain price point per month and add up based by usage, if you use other things like always on/unlimited requests



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