I’ve heard of a new format for cookies, but i forgor how it’s called. Maybe something like “bits”?
I mean you could use like indexedDB, but that’s harder and what do you mean “more secure”? localStorage is pretty safe…
from what I’ve seen, there are only:
- cookies
- localStorage
- indexedDB
- sessionStorage (like localStorage but only for the session)
- cache storage
- storage buckets (idk what’s that but it was on devtools application panel)
popular opinion: localStorage is already the easiest
Yes. That is true. It is so easy to configure.
W localStorage. sad that we have a 5mb (i think) limit on each item’s size
ya but it’s synchronous, so they don’t want you to block everything loading 5.001 MB
Well, you could split a 10mb item into two 5mb items!
I think 5mb is the limit for the whole domain tho, correct me if I’m wrong
Compression with something like lz-string would be a viable option but sometimes not the case
Ahh… I didn’t know that. I don’t store a lot of information with LocalStorage
and synchronously compress/decompress it
What about those web workers or whatever it’s called?
what’s the overhead on those? last time I tried it was like 300ms to launch a web worker