Losing access to logs and errors for a discord bot due to the console automatically starting up the bot

Hi @Aprixia, unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re looking for, I believe I gave you the best answer for this in your other thread: How can I load the previous logs from a console.log without restarting the bot?

In short, you can’t load old log messages; once they’re sent, they’re gone. You’ll need to log the information you want to be able to access later in some persistent way - logging to a file is kind of the default, but you could also send them to a 3rd party logging service, or log them in a database. Then when you come back to your bot and want to review those logs you’ll open the file you’re logging to (or the service or database you’re sending them to).

It’s always important to make sure you’re never logging anything private (like your bot’s key, or your bot’s users’ personal details like email addresses or the like). That’s even more important if you’re logging to a file.