Malicious intent with glitch

hello every1, today i saw a spam email as usual and i saw a like a scam bad intent with microsoft id, it wasnt created well but the thing i saw the glitch url and i just wanna to say why the mods on this page arent doing their job…

Here is the url . Please people have care for this comunity

if there’s malicious stuff you gotta go to the bottom and click “report abuse”

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I’ve sent you a report to Glitch for you, thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hi @Kaizer_Dragoon, thanks for the phishing report. We take abuse of the platform seriously, and you can read about the ways we handle that here: How we keep Glitch sites secure and trusted

Like @tiago mentioned, when you find sites like this, please let us know by emailing us at so we can take action as quickly as possible.

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