[mega-thread] Glitchchord- mongoDB discord clone

you can report the bug on the forum

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why are there sooo many cookies

Hmmm, i did not authorise that…

I’d clear them for now while i ask what happened


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Looks like some are glitch analytics.

Even so, we’ll look into that. We use sqreen for security reasons


Could I help with glitchchord, @random.


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Hi there! We would appreciate the help! I will DM you a link sometime this week!


@random check your dm

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This is sad news… Looks like I have to move to Discord now… But- one question, why? You see Discord? They have pushed through tough times, and a lot of those times in their early days. Why can’t GlitchChord?


Because of… Discord. And every other instant messaging apps. Why would people choose Glitchcord over them?


You can still use glitchchord.

the app will remain open to the public for private use.

The red logo on the website is a little much…
Something like this would look better:

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okay. Thats something I can fix

Guys, we are shutting down development mainly because the site has not been receiving as many visitors as we hoped. The site shall remain open and will not be shutting down- so whoever changed the logo should change it back please

We can’t rival such an advanced service- it just isn’t possible and some features are impossible to add with the infrastructure glitch supports

we have a sort of solution…altcord which reimplements only the api of discord so you can use your normal client, however given how discord is implemented, lazy guilds and stuff, this is proving a bit of a challenge.


a bit? bruh

Some Backstory

(for anyone who doesnt know me and javaarchive are working on a discord api clone called altcord)


well, good luck anyways!

remember, glitchchord development stops on September the 1st

@random the forum is down for glitchchord.