[MEGATHREAD] Project Uptime For Glitch Projects!

I don’t like this change at all as I have literally nowhere else to host my multiplayer web game forks without some asinine limitation, sorry if I sound pretty unthankful.

We’re used to it, don’t worry about it :stuck_out_tongue: jkjk

You’re just telling your opinion, and that’s okay! However I don’t think Glitch is going to change back anytime soon :confused:

I wasn’t expecting that they were gonna revert it anyway as that’s like the norm for corporations, so I don’t really feel that alienated by this change. But that’s about it.

Also, why do I keep losing additional project hours when programming static sites?

because project hours are taken away when your in the editor

That would be cool! May I ask how you know this? Hope it’s not just a rumour :slight_smile:
Edit: Misread above post as if it were saying that they were removing the fact you lose project hours in the editor


I still find this change very inconvenient as I often keep my glitch editor windows open

@EddiesTech what post are you referring to ?


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Here’s @wh0’s really interesting feedback @jenn is reffering to here


hey you could make a static site then make a folder and put your bot THERE.

Well, discord.js can run in the browser

hmm??? @ihack2712???

The node binary won’t be available in the container unless a package.json file exist IIRC, so building a node.js app on a static site would technically be impossible.


oh :sweat_smile:


I guess its repl.it for now

Actually, no, there might be a vulnerability around this, the node binary is actually available, meaning that a 24/7 non-boosted app might still be internally possible. I’ll look further more and if I find anything I’ll alert Glitch!


So I actually did find a way to make a project run 24/7, I’m just monitoring the project now just to make sure I’m not wrong, if this is working I’ll email Glitch about it.

I’m going to re-check the project in 10 minutes to see if it has fallen asleep!


Wow… It works… I’ll email Glitch about it once I get time. If Glitch staff sees this please email me at james@ihacks.dev if I haven’t already made a ticket.

EDIT I just verified it, and it is an unpatched vulnerability. I’m going to try to run a discord bot on it that just sends a message every 5 minutes.

The picture below shows the amount of seconds since it’s last request. If the project went asleep it would’ve shown 0. Meaning that it was restarted. If it showed anything less than 600 it means that the project has been frequently requested, anything over 600 should show the wakup screen.

This can also bypass the amount of storage your container has available.

  • Apps have a limit of 200MB of disk space in the container. The contents of your apps’s ‘/tmp’ directory currently don’t count towards that total, but those files are removed when the app restarts.

Because the app never actually goes asleep the tmp directory will never be removed (don’t try to use this as a viable solution for cloud storage, Glitch might restart the container manually and files will be deleted!)

The project will also avoid being caught up by project hours (when the editor isn’t open), because the project is a static site. Meaning that your project can run for an indefinite time. If the container is restarted every 12 hours I’m not sure of yet, but there is an easy way of figuring that out!

I’m also not sure if the project is limited to the 4k requests per hour, but I will run tests on that as well.

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Wow, this exploit better be fixed asap. @glitch_support

I’ve seemed to make myself an issue, due to the way I did this I am unable to stop it :joy: Therefore unable to test more on the same project, I gotta archive it :stuck_out_tongue: