My boosted project restart automatically every few hours

my backend server node and restart every few hours which destroys all of the existing user sessions, is this normal? is there any way I can stop these restarts?

every “few hours” is not normal. every 12 hours is normal.

if you don’t suspect it’s crashing from a bug, it could be going over the ram limit. glitch will write something in the project log if it restarts your project for ram usage. see if you have anything to that effect in your project log

every 12 hours is normal? I was not expecting that after paying for the server. is there any way I can stop this auto-restart ? i paid for the whole year. but with this restart issue i cant use as its not best if my user see lost connection every 12 hour. do you think if i write email to glitch could they fix it for me ?

yes it’s normal

my personal guess? no. it’s not considered a bug, and I don’t get the impression that they have a way to disable this on a specific project.

The 12 hour restart is intentional, so if you have a server that needs to preserve its data and connections across restarts, you’ll have to write your code such that it knows it will be restarted frequently, and write client code in a way that knows how to deal with “the server has temporarily disappeared, I will try to reconnect in a bit”.

There is no “forever uptime” on Glitch like you’d get on a dedicated VPS or the like.