10:26 PM
'GET /api/v7/oauth2/applications/@me HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: discordapp.com\r\nAuthorization: Bot -token-\r\nUser-Agent: DiscordBot (https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js, 11.5.1) Node.js/v10.15.3\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n',
10:26 PM
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
10:26 PM
10:26 PM
Agent {
10:26 PM
_events: [Object],
10:26 PM
_eventsCount: 1,
10:26 PM
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10:26 PM
defaultPort: 443,
10:26 PM
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10:26 PM
options: [Object],
10:26 PM
requests: {},
10:26 PM
sockets: [Object],
10:26 PM
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10:26 PM
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
10:26 PM
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10:26 PM
maxSockets: Infinity,
10:26 PM
maxFreeSockets: 256,
10:26 PM
maxCachedSessions: 100,
10:26 PM
_sessionCache: [Object] },
10:26 PM
socketPath: undefined,
10:26 PM
timeout: undefined,
10:26 PM
method: 'GET',
10:26 PM
path: '/api/v7/oauth2/applications/@me',
10:26 PM
_ended: false,
10:26 PM
res: null,
10:26 PM
aborted: undefined,
10:26 PM
timeoutCb: null,
10:26 PM
upgradeOrConnect: false,
10:26 PM
parser: null,
10:26 PM
maxHeadersCount: null,
10:26 PM
[Symbol(isCorked)]: false,
10:26 PM
10:26 PM
[Object: null prototype] {
10:26 PM
host: [Array],
10:26 PM
authorization: [Array],
10:26 PM
'user-agent': [Array],
10:26 PM
'accept-encoding': [Array] } } }
10:26 PM
Uncaught Promise Error: { Error: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
10:27 PM
at TLSSocket.onConnectEnd (_tls_wrap.js:1088:19)
10:27 PM
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:277:13)
10:27 PM
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:194:15)
10:27 PM
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1125:12)
10:27 PM
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
path: null,
10:27 PM
host: 'discordapp.com',
10:27 PM
port: 443,
10:27 PM
localAddress: undefined,
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
ClientRequest {
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
[Object: null prototype] { abort: [Function], response: [Function] },
10:27 PM
_eventsCount: 2,
10:27 PM
_maxListeners: undefined,
10:27 PM
output: [],
10:27 PM
outputEncodings: [],
10:27 PM
outputCallbacks: [],
10:27 PM
outputSize: 0,
10:27 PM
writable: true,
10:27 PM
_last: false,
10:27 PM
chunkedEncoding: false,
10:27 PM
shouldKeepAlive: true,
10:27 PM
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
10:27 PM
sendDate: false,
10:27 PM
_removedConnection: false,
10:27 PM
_removedContLen: false,
10:27 PM
_removedTE: false,
10:27 PM
_contentLength: 86,
10:27 PM
_hasBody: true,
10:27 PM
_trailer: '',
10:27 PM
finished: true,
10:27 PM
_headerSent: true,
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
TLSSocket {
10:27 PM
_tlsOptions: [Object],
10:27 PM
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10:27 PM
_securePending: false,
10:27 PM
_newSessionPending: false,
10:27 PM
_controlReleased: true,
10:27 PM
_SNICallback: null,
10:27 PM
servername: null,
10:27 PM
alpnProtocol: null,
10:27 PM
authorized: false,
10:27 PM
authorizationError: null,
10:27 PM
encrypted: true,
10:27 PM
_events: [Object],
10:27 PM
_eventsCount: 8,
10:27 PM
connecting: false,
10:27 PM
_hadError: true,
10:27 PM
_handle: null,
10:27 PM
_parent: null,
10:27 PM
_host: 'discordapp.com',
10:27 PM
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10:27 PM
readable: false,
10:27 PM
_maxListeners: undefined,
10:27 PM
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10:27 PM
writable: false,
10:27 PM
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10:27 PM
_sockname: null,
10:27 PM
_pendingData: null,
10:27 PM
_pendingEncoding: '',
10:27 PM
server: undefined,
10:27 PM
_server: null,
10:27 PM
ssl: null,
10:27 PM
_requestCert: true,
10:27 PM
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
10:27 PM
parser: null,
10:27 PM
_httpMessage: [Circular],
10:27 PM
write: [Function: writeAfterFIN],
10:27 PM
[Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
10:27 PM
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 591061,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 441,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 441,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object] },
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
TLSSocket {
10:27 PM
_tlsOptions: [Object],
10:27 PM
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10:27 PM
_securePending: false,
10:27 PM
_newSessionPending: false,
10:27 PM
_controlReleased: true,
10:27 PM
_SNICallback: null,
10:27 PM
servername: null,
10:27 PM
alpnProtocol: null,
10:27 PM
authorized: false,
10:27 PM
authorizationError: null,
10:27 PM
encrypted: true,
10:27 PM
_events: [Object],
10:27 PM
_eventsCount: 8,
10:27 PM
connecting: false,
10:27 PM
_hadError: true,
10:27 PM
_handle: null,
10:27 PM
_parent: null,
10:27 PM
_host: 'discordapp.com',
10:27 PM
_readableState: [ReadableState],
10:27 PM
readable: false,
10:27 PM
_maxListeners: undefined,
10:27 PM
_writableState: [WritableState],
10:27 PM
writable: false,
10:27 PM
allowHalfOpen: false,
10:27 PM
_sockname: null,
10:27 PM
_pendingData: null,
10:27 PM
_pendingEncoding: '',
10:27 PM
server: undefined,
10:27 PM
_server: null,
10:27 PM
ssl: null,
10:27 PM
_requestCert: true,
10:27 PM
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
10:27 PM
parser: null,
10:27 PM
_httpMessage: [Circular],
10:27 PM
write: [Function: writeAfterFIN],
10:27 PM
[Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
10:27 PM
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 591061,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 441,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 441,
10:27 PM
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object] },```
gives this error. My Bot Gives An Error And Ping. , does not reply to messages. we need to find a solution now ,
Please help how do I solve.
project name = Corwin
It’s not happening everytime. every once in a while too much. I have to restart the bot.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, you need to do the work to figure out what part of your bot is causing the spike in resources.
This particular error is telling you that a request to the Discord API is failing. Specifically, your bot is asking to update (PATCH) a specific channel (/api/v7/channels/%id-here%
). That request is receiving Error: socket hang up
responses, so something on the Discord end is hanging up on you. I can’t say why that might be, but it’s unlikely to be on Glitch’s end as long as your bot isn’t on a banned host at the time, which yours wasn’t.