My pinned projects have disappeared? Is this a know issue?

Also, if I try to repin them, i get an error message “Sorry, something went wrong”

Hi @elbobo, I’m sorry for the bother! Is there an error number shown in the error message? Can you tell me you username so I can take a look?

Hi, thanks for getting back, there is no error number, it just says, “something has gone wrong, try refreshing”

The following comes up in the console

index.js:4006 POST 400
(anonymous) @ index.js:4006
(anonymous) @ xhr.js:178
t.exports @ xhr.js:12
t.exports @ dispatchRequest.js:57
Promise.then (async)
s.request @ Axios.js:51
s.(anonymous function) @ Axios.js:71
(anonymous) @ bind.js:9
(anonymous) @ user-editor.js:78
w @ runtime.js:62
(anonymous) @ runtime.js:288
t.(anonymous function) @ runtime.js:114
$h @ team.js:494
i @ team.js:494
(anonymous) @ team.js:494
(anonymous) @ team.js:494
(anonymous) @ user-editor.js:80
addPin @ user-editor.js:166
(anonymous) @ project-options-pop.js:51
n @ index.js:3238
index.js:3740 Error: Request failed with status code 400
    at t.exports (createError.js:16)
    at t.exports (settle.js:18)
    at XMLHttpRequest.h.(anonymous function) (
    at XMLHttpRequest.n (index.js:3238)
(anonymous) @ index.js:3740
(anonymous) @ error-handlers.js:4
handleError @ error-handlers.js:29
Promise.catch (async)
addPin @ user-editor.js:166
(anonymous) @ project-options-pop.js:51
n @ index.js:3238
createError.js:16 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400
    at t.exports (createError.js:16)
    at t.exports (settle.js:18)
    at XMLHttpRequest.h.(anonymous function) (
    at XMLHttpRequest.n (index.js:3238)

My username is El Bobo @elbobo

MOD EDIT: formatting

Hey @elbobo thanks for the additional information. I’m discussing this with the rest of the team; I’ll let you know what we find out!

Hey @elbobo thanks again for the report! That was definitely a problem on our end, and should now be resolved.

Happy Glitching!