My site got suspended help. Violating Terms of Service. SKM

My site got suspended. I never cryptomined or do anything against the term’s of service. its a simple nodejs, express application using ejs and other dependencies. Its a website unblocker for me and my friends to use. Here’s the message I’m seeing.

“Project steelproxys suspended: Violating Terms of Service. SKM”

I really did nothing wrong. If you can tel me what i did wrong i can fix it.

Contact for support about your project.

Same happened to my own proxy, I guess they don’t like unblocker programs.


We ask folks who have had a project suspended to contact us directly at so we can discuss the reasons specific to their case, privately.

I will say this regarding proxies since it was brought up in this thread:

  • Projects can be suspended if they contain code related to cors-anywhere-type packages.
  • We understand that there may be non-malicious reasons to use this type of code in your projects, however AWS considers it a form of “social engineering” and requires us to take these sites down.