MySQL CRUD app tips?

Hi all, new to Gomix / HyperDev.

I am looking for any tips or good starting points to build a simple CRUD app using Gomix to interact with a MySQL db table running on AWS.

To start just want to:

  1. List items alphabetically
  2. Select one to view and edit item details
  3. Button to create/add new items.

Bonus: Support paging and/or filtering as the list of items grows.

Any suggestions as to the quickest way to do this with Gomix? Sample apps, recommended methods?

I know this is generally straightforward: I am trying to get an understanding of how quick and easy this is to do using Gomix with an existing MySQL.

Thank you for any advice and insights!


hey rmerrill11,

Welcome to Gomix :tada:

You might want to start by adding a MySQL driver like mysql to your package.json. Once you do that, fill in the various things (host, user, etc.) provided by AWS to connect to your db.

Once you’ve connected it’s a small matter of using mysql to do queries and show outputs and POST data from the front-end.

we have sample apps on that connect to other databases to do similar crud things, but nothing yet for mysql. Definitely let us know when you’re done and maybe it’ll be the first :slight_smile: