Hi ! Where do I need to put this in config.js ?
You put it in the .env file in your Glitch project
yes i did it but i have also to put i in config.js but where in config.js ? @Gareth
You use it within the login function e.g. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/discordbot-example?path=server.js:1:0
but i use the Eris library, this is my config.js code @Gareth :
const json5 = require('json5');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
let userConfig;
// Try to find our config file from several options
const configFiles = [
let foundConfigFile;
for (const configFile of configFiles) {
try {
fs.accessSync(__dirname + '/../' + configFile);
foundConfigFile = configFile;
} catch (e) {}
if (! foundConfigFile) {
throw new Error(`Could not find config.json!`);
// Parse the config using JSON5
try {
if (foundConfigFile.endsWith('.js')) {
userConfig = require(`../${foundConfigFile}`);
} else {
const raw = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../' + foundConfigFile);
userConfig = json5.parse(raw);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Error reading config file! The error given was: ${e.message}`);
const defaultConfig = {
"token": null,
"mailGuildId": null,
"mainGuildId": null,
"logChannelId": null,
"prefix": "!",
"snippetPrefix": "!!",
"status": "Message me for help!",
"responseMessage": "Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible.",
"closeMessage": null,
"newThreadCategoryId": null,
"mentionRole": "here",
"pingOnBotMention": true,
"inboxServerPermission": null,
"alwaysReply": false,
"alwaysReplyAnon": false,
"useNicknames": false,
"ignoreAccidentalThreads": false,
"threadTimestamps": false,
"allowMove": false,
"typingProxy": false,
"typingProxyReverse": false,
"enableGreeting": false,
"greetingMessage": null,
"greetingAttachment": null,
"requiredAccountAge": null, // In hours
"accountAgeDeniedMessage": "Your Discord account is not old enough to contact modmail.",
"relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments": false,
"smallAttachmentLimit": 1024 * 1024 * 2,
"port": 8890,
"url": null,
"dbDir": path.join(__dirname, '..', 'db'),
"knex": null,
"logDir": path.join(__dirname, '..', 'logs'),
const required = ['token', 'mailGuildId', 'mainGuildId', 'logChannelId'];
const finalConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig);
for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(userConfig)) {
if (! defaultConfig.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid option: ${prop}`);
finalConfig[prop] = value;
// Default knex config
if (! finalConfig['knex']) {
finalConfig['knex'] = {
client: 'sqlite',
connection: {
filename: path.join(finalConfig.dbDir, 'data.sqlite'),
useNullAsDefault: true
// Make sure migration settings are always present in knex config
Object.assign(finalConfig['knex'], {
migrations: {
directory: path.join(finalConfig.dbDir, 'migrations')
// Make sure all of the required config options are present
for (const opt of required) {
if (! finalConfig[opt]) {
console.error(`Missing required config.json value: ${opt}`);
if (finalConfig.smallAttachmentLimit > 1024 * 1024 * 8) {
finalConfig.smallAttachmentLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
console.log('[WARN] smallAttachmentLimit capped at 8MB');
// Make sure mainGuildId is internally always an array
if (! Array.isArray(finalConfig['mainGuildId'])) {
finalConfig['mainGuildId'] = [finalConfig['mainGuildId']];
module.exports = finalConfig;
I can’t see where you’re using Eris in that code, but here’s an example that uses the token using Eris: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/discord-bot-example?path=server.js:1:0
Hum but my code it isn’t like that @Gareth
Let us know the project name and we’ll take a look. If your project is private, either make it public temporarily or DM me a join link so we can view the code. Thanks.
@Gareth name: modmailclyde
You shouldn’t share join links publicly as then anyone can join your project, which is why I requested it via DM. However, the project linked is a default node-app without any Discord bot code in it, so it looks like it was for a different project.
I created it for host my discord bot (this website helped me : https://anidiots.guide/other-guides/hosting-on-glitch)
The project didn’t contain any bot code, like you pasted above for config.js. It looks like you pasted a join link for the incorrect project. You’ll need to send me a join link for the correct project. Please send it via DM - click on my name and use the send message option. Otherwise, mail me it at gareth@glitch.com. Thanks.
I’m sending an email
The join link you shared is has been invalidated since you shared it in a public place. Please send a new join link to the correct project, thanks.