Need help with website php contact form

Hi, i’ve made a simple contact form for my website but it doesn’t seem to work at all, i tried using a js form but same results??
can i have some help with it???
the contact html file is in contact.html and the php code is in mail/contact.php and the js form is in js/form.js

let me know if u can help so i dm u with the invite url

quick update i keep gettings method not allowed
but glitch staff told me that php is supposed to be supported in my older questionimage

Let us know the project name and we’ll take a look. If your project is private, either make it public temporarily or DM me a join link so we can view the code. Thanks.

Looking at your project, you don’t have any code telling the project to use PHP. By default all projects on Glitch use node.js instead. I’ve linked you to these examples before, but if you remix from or depending on what’s most suitable for your project, then you can get it to use php instead.

php kinda confuses me cus im not used to code with it at all, is it possible you help me enable php for my project???

I’ve DMed you a link to a version of your project using PHP.

Note that the server doesn’t have SMTP available to send mail using PHP’s default mail function. Look into using something like PHPMailer using Gmail SMTP details or another third-party like Mailgun, which has a free plan.

Ok! thx for the help