NPM Publish from Glitch

I am very excited about developing and publishing multiple libraries to npm from within a single Glitch project.

Here is the project.

Video where I reflect upon the process.


this is awesome @SirFizX - thanks for sharing your workflow too, it’s v cool to see.

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Thanks. Once this is all set up it will save my students so much time and provide a better example of organization than I had in the past. Have a great weekend.


Do you use GitHub Packages for the ‘npm publishing’ part?

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Just quick note: NPM is now a part of GitHub!


Cool. I’m aware of that. I think it’s important that Microsoft can provide at least a bit of balance to the market that is currently so in favor of Amazon.

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I don’t, but that would be another route. I authenticate via the token referenced in the .npmrc, then publish with the npm publish command.

I asked because GitHub Packages also ask you to authenticate in a similar way.


Good point. :smiley: