:O Could it be?

i got that glitch 4 times yesterday

If you do get it again, make sure to view source quickly. If they are using google fonts, the glitch team could be planning to make a RetroGlitch, or maybe make the dark theme part of glitch.

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yeah, i’ll try that

look who just showed up :astonished:

After I’m done with my current project, should I make a reverse-proxy that adds a custom loading screen? :thinking:


How would that work? Won’t it show the glitch loading screen followed by your own loading screen?

If the reverse-proxy detects that the project hasn’t booted up yet it will just send them to a custom website instead of the glitch project, and once it detects that the glitch project is running it will refresh into the glitch website.


Ah. Would be an interesting way to do it. But can glitch projects communicate to the client during the loading screen phase?

I’ve been snooping around the public source code of glitch for a while for my current project, and they do seem to have the option to switch between themes:

import React from 'react';
import { LiveAnnouncer } from 'react-aria-live';
import { LocalStyle, lightTheme } from '@glitchdotcom/shared-components';
import { HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';

import Store from 'State/store';
import { APIContextProvider } from 'State/api';
import { APICacheProvider } from 'State/api-cache';
import { NotificationsProvider } from 'State/notifications';
import { RolloutsUserSync } from 'State/rollouts';
import { SubscriptionProvider } from 'State/subscription';
import OfflineNotice from 'State/offline-notice';
import ErrorBoundary from 'Components/error-boundary';

import Router from './presenters/pages/router';

const App = ({ apiCache, helmetContext, initialStore }) => (
  <LocalStyle theme={lightTheme}> // <------ Check this out
    <ErrorBoundary fallback="Something went very wrong, try refreshing?">
        <Store initialStore={initialStore}>
              <APICacheProvider initial={apiCache}>
                  <HelmetProvider context={helmetContext}>
                    <OfflineNotice />
                    <Router />
                    <RolloutsUserSync />

export default App;

Nope, its just to check the response text and/or response code from Glitch.

Ooh, I got it, but I didn’t have time to inspect it. It was there for around 3-5 seconds and then it got refreshed.

I first thought it was white in the day and black at night - I may be wrong now

Correct me if I’m wrong but how it would work is.

Users would link to your website.
The website will then check there glitch project, if its online it will send them there if not it will display a custom loading page for 5 seconds and then send them there.

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Not really, I would have been using an external service to proxy the glitch project. The project is starting therefore the project can’t send anything to the client during that phase.