I downloaded the p5 library from the package manager and it all seems to work, but it cant get the p5.play.js file, I’ve tried using 2 p5.play packages from NPM but they didn’t work, I also tried making a file “p5.play.js” in my root folder and linking to it in my index.html file, but it still won’t work
GET https://p5-dodo-game-base.glitch.me/p5.play.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
What can I do to fix this? Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: This is happening in my project: p5-dodo-game-base
(I also have trouble linking the stylesheet in the HTML,
Refused to apply style from ‘Waking up ・゚✧’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.