Permanetly deleting a project

Is it even possible to permanetly delete a project?

No, it isn’t possible right now.

While you cannot delete the project itself yet, but you can delete the source code in your project by overwriting the glitch git repository with an empty new commit. This is very important if you just planned to play around but ended up writing important code onto glitch and have a fear of getting hacked and your code getting compromised and published on the internet, or if you accidentally commited a private key to glitch and wanted to completely remove it.

on glitch website project edit page open Tools/Extras/Git,Import&Export/Write
    Copy_link => is e.g.
    Copy_user_name => is YOUR-RANDOMLY-GENERATED-GIT-USERNAME e.g. 1aaa1111-1111-aaa1-aa1111111111
on glitch website project edit page open Console(terminal)
    git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead
on your local computer terminal
    mkdir foobar
    cd foobar
    git init
    git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message -m ''
    git remote add origin
    git push -u --force origin master
    cd ..
    rm -fr foobar
on glitch website project edit page open Console(terminal)