Ping service block: June 13, 7:56 a.m. to present

Yes, you can use the watch.json to specify which files trigger a container restart or install when edited as well as change the delay time between making edits and those changes being applied.

Hi @valerypopoff!

We are receiving reports of some webhooks that are unrelated to the use of ping services not working right now. Our team is looking into this and as soon as I learn more, I will give you an update! Thanks for flagging this!


Bummer, but thanks for the reply. :0)

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Can we know when glitch is gonna enable the ping requests back?

Glitch doesn’t know themselves how long its gonna take to fix the issues their facing, therefore there is no ETA on how long it will take to get the ping services block lifted.

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Does Anyone Have A ETA When I Will Be Able To Ping My Bot Again Or Is Glitching Blocking Ping Systems Premanetly Please Someone Give Me A Answer

There is no known ETA, the glitch staff has said they will get back to use when they do.


Okay Thanks For Responding I Hope They Get In Up And Running Soon
But I’m Still Wondering Is The Block Temporary Or The Blocking Pinging For Premium Only Or Is It Just Overall Blocked

It’s temporary I think

It is temporary.

For anyone having the problem that the console errors that a module cannot be found, glitch resetted the node_modules to prevent further issues to their and your systems.
And how do you help that out?
• The simplest way is going to your package.json,
• Look at dependencies
REMOVE them all, make sure the bot sees this by having it refresh/restart if you have a watch.json file.
• Once this finishes, paste back all the information you just removed from the dependencies list.
Restart/refresh once again and that should help. *

If this doesn’t, try searching for solutions like enable-pnpm or by doing npm i <module>.

We should make a rule that you can set ping requests with a limit.

Such as we have to keep the interval below a certain time.
I think this will help :slight_smile:. Just trying the best to get this organized.

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It has been over a WEEK. I think an eta and/or update would be in order

Hi there @RonnieBoy82!
As you can see from the recent update on, the team are working on fixing the current outage. I imagine the block will be removed when the problem is identified and a fix is implemented. It would be very hard for the Glitch Support Team to know when this would happen as it depends on the severity of the issue
Hope this helps clarify some more,

No, I don’t think you understood the post.

The post was just to say that you should wait it out and not use services like that.

By participating in those services, you are likley making the outage last longer.

It should also be noted that @SplitXPlayZ has left Glitch.

I cannot stop you from using a service like that but please know that you may be harming Glitch for everyone else.

Glitch has banned pings because they are overloading Glitch servers.