I don’t fully understand private vs. public projects. In the advanced options it says that public = “Anyone can view it, but only members can edit.” and private means = “Only members can view or edit.” Does that mean that if it is private, then the app itself if only visible to members? Or that only the dev view is only visible to members?
How do I make the app itself visible to everyone (member or non-member), but only allow me to make changes to it?
Also, after I’ve invited someone to collaborate, is there a way to remove their ability to edit an app? Example: I send both Fred and Bob invites to make changes, but a few days later I want to remove Bob and only allow Fred to continue to make changes. Is that possible?
1+2) The permissions only relate to the dev view, as the app itself is dictated by you - so if you want to lock your app down, then write the code to do so.
No, not at the moment. They can choose to leave a project, though.
By default you as the creator are the only one allowed to make changes to it. If you invite others to collaborate using the invite link or through the invite UI then those people will also be allowed to edit. Private/Public determines whether editor view can be seen by others. You can visit a private app in an incognito window to see how it might appear to a non-member.
Ah, that’s good idea.
Another question, to allow people views the project without making them a member, it’s enough to just share the https://gomix.com/#!/project/YOURPROJECT url right? I mistakenly thought that the share button on the top left corner was for this purpose.