Problem with the git repo system in glitch

I had used your git repo system to push and pull my project. But the problem with your git repo system is it is hard to login in with glitch’s git credentials. Here, I am not talking about the read only git repo system im talking about the write repo system where we have to enter a long login code to push the changes done to the localhost repo.
I think you can use the users username and password to login to glitch’s git or provide a glitch cli for which we dont need to enter username and password everytime when we need to push the project so the cli can connect to the account like heroku has.
But creating a cli will be a headache as you need to have another team looking after creating the cli for all operating systems like linux, windows and imac. It would be better we are allowed to enter our username and password to access our glitch repos instead of entering a long unrememberable code to login