My project is not loading the editor or console. I was hoping someone could take a look.
My project is not loading the editor or console. I was hoping someone could take a look.
Just trying going to pls.webtype.com. Can you connect to the website?
No, it’s blocked by my school’s network management system. I can still access the rest of my projects, though.
That’s probably your issue. I don’t know why they would block webtype.
Why would I not have access to one of my projects and the rest still be fine?
Not sure. Maybe this project needs webtype and the others do not? You would have to ask a mod about how the editors works with webtype.
All of my projects have these errors. I am actively editing one right now with the connection refused error. I don’t think that’s the issue.
If that’s the case then I’m not sure. It may be a Glitch issue then.