Public Assets API Endpoint

Would love a few API endpoints to upload/delete/etc. to/from the project’s assets folder/the Glitch CDN so project generated/uploaded files aren’t limited to the container’s space.
Note: you can vote for this by pressing the ‘Vote’ button above

I have no more votes, but I would love to have something like this.

I just hope this would not be abused, maybe you would need to have a verified phone and email on the account to access this?


Yeah. Don’t let anonymous users use it. I think that they should stop the ability to make projects as an anonymous user all together. Just make them login


Yeah, that would be a good idea.

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It’s just annoying if you accidently press remix and it makes a project. I would also love if they made you confirm whenever you make a new project, whether it’s a remix or just making one as I have so many remixed app that I don’t need. Also the ability to make a blank project with nothing added, so you can make it yourself. There’s so many trivial inconveniences and things I want added :joy:


Or when you are not logged in and a new project is made :laughing:

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In fact, these are really good examples of trivial inconveniences!

Trivial inconveniences are inconveniences that take few resources to counteract but have a disproportionate impact on people deciding whether to take a course of action.

Related info - there is a way to read a project’s asset info (like asset name, file type, size, etc) by taking advantage of the .glitch-assets file.


But sadly not add.

It’s a JSON file, and it could work two ways. What I mean is, if uploading an asset updates the .glitch-assets file, then editing that file could also update the assets in a project.

I think the JSON file has the links to the files on the CDN, not sure how you could upload files via the JSON file.


maybe i would vote for this, including an API key for approved developers.


If the editor can do it, then your app should be able to do it.

It do seems to be complicated though.