(QUESTION) Terms Of Service

Lets so some unhindged person comes on and send random inappropriate stuff will I get in troubled because personally I’m all for letting them do whatever they want lol. This also brings up the question what can I and them not do to not violate glitch terms of service.

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I’m so glad you asked!

Over on our Terms of Service, there’s a section called “How You Use Our Services” which outlines what appropriate behavior building on Glitch looks like.

Because we want Glitch to continue to be a fun and safe place to build, if your project violates the terms of service then it gets suspended. Crowd sourcing fun ways to violate our terms of service actually helps us to document new ways to then add to our terms of service to continue to be a fun and safe place to build.

I hope that answers your question. :smiling_face:

Asking for summary

What if say your project uses user submitted content and a nasty user decides to abuse the fact that you didn’t bother to setup any filters to put inappropriate content? Even if it’s obvious that the content is user-submitted would the project still be suspended first with an email? And would the project creator be able to get their project unsuspended if they remove the offending content?


It’s on a case-by-case basis - depends on how that content violates TOS, but we do try to reach out to the creator of the project to let them know such content was reported and give a chance to remove it (again depending on the violation).


aye at least we get a warning before getting banned!


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