Hi - when you viewed a live project on Thimble, there was a remix button at the top right hand side. I want the students to be able to see the live project first and then click a remix button to remix it.
Does this feature exist or do I have to put a button on the project myself?
Hey @computinginschools,
Yes, you need to add it manually to your Glitch project.
You can add a Glitch button to your project that gives you info on that current project and gives you options to remix it. See button.glitch.me to know more about it.
Alternatively, you can get a Remix button which you can add to your project by clicking Share button in the editor -> click on Share Buttons -> click Copy below the Remix button. Paste that code wherever you want the button to appear.
Hope this helps!
Fab - exactly what I wanted. It’s good, actually, because you can control whether you want people to remix from the live view or not. I used Thimble to make online worksheets which I didn’t want the students to remix.
Keep up the good work
It’s not necessary that you have to add this button - so if you don’t want your students to remix this don’t put the button and if you don’t want the students to view it entirely, just set it to private .