ReplitConnections | Reconnecting Replit users


Quick back story
So I came to Glitch early on this year. Not because I wanted to, but because I was “forced.” Early this year, Replit removed there social features, disconnecting so many developers. This was quite sad. They also removed some deployment features which is why I moved, but that is not the point.

That was just about 365 days ago.

Go back to yesterday. I was missing some of those people I had worked with. I realized that Replit profiles still existed, but no one could search for them

I started ReplitConnections: a GitHub based account with a discussion page to connect those who were on Replit or still are and connecting them with the developers they followed and admired.

Why am I posting this here
A lot of people (I think) migrated to Glitch when Replit made there changes, I know there are some in the support forums here.

I want people to contribute and connecting through GitHub, because I miss the community. (no offence Glitch support. You are all great)

Thank you!


the actual discussion page:

1 Like

Thanks! Updated the link!