Running out of disk space

i will try this, thanks

i getting this error

try to delete node_modules by typing

rm -rf node_modules

after that try

pnpm i

i getting this now

check your files you have uploaded something huge file

i have this files

shrinkwrap.yaml (73k)
package-lock.json (95k)
bots.json (150k)

other files is 1k

can you add me to your project so i can help you out

Run cd ~ && du -hs $(ls -A) in your terminal. Copy and paste the results.

35K api
5.0K .bash_history
5.0K bot
149K bots.json
1.6M .cache
116K commands
5.0K .config
3.0K config.js
1.0K .data
1.0K .env
32K events
1.0K .gitignore
14K .glitch-assets
8.0K json.sqlite
1.0K lib
0 .node-gyp
0 node_modules
1.0K .node_repl_history
30M .npm
1.0K .npm-global
1.0K .npmrc
20K old
2.0K package.json
96K package-lock.json
0 pnpm-debug.log
151M .pnpm-store
1.0K .prettierrc
23K public
7.0K routes
26K server.js
74K shrinkwrap.yaml
11K test
1.0K watch.json

correct now, i dont trust you, but if i will see is the only way, i will talk with the second owner of the project if we can add you

Hm. As you might be able to tell, the two largest folders in your directory are .npm and .pnpm-store which are reported to be 30 MB and 151 MB in size, respectively. Given the nature of your issue being somewhat elementary, I assume you did not architecture your application in a manner outside of the ordinary that may have caused the folders to become large.

In any manner, my suggestion is to remove both of them. Due to the way projects run on Glitch, there is no need for either of them based on my knowledge of what they likely contain. If you would like, I can go into detail to explain.

In order to remove both of those folders, simply run cd ~ && rm -rf .npm .pnpm-store. It should immediately result in a significant amount of space being freed up.

I apologize if this post is confusing or jumbled. I’m having difficulty writing my thoughts out in a coherent manner. Hopefully my proofreading helped.

thanks you so much, it now go down to 2% :heart:

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it dosent work ,before it was 80% and now it become 79%

Try to use $rm -rf .git

why was i pinged?

@Jonyk56 Reason is that you have replied in this thread.

Also you might have the notification on “Tracking”.

makes sense

Can I also get your help I am also above 95% please see my project also

try rm -rf .cache try. I have tried and succeeded

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this works. ty. I went from 95% disk space, all the way to 1%. Thank you.

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