Server.js reloads every x hours

Not sure how to explain this, I have a glitch app thats just a script it server.js which sends parses a json feed to a slack webhook, everything works fine but every x hours the whole script reloads, is there a way to stop that from happening?

Note: it is a boosted app

I think that might be the container resetting. They reset the container to fix some things thing might be happening to a project, for example, NPM might get corrupted, so a container reset would usually reinstall NPM. This happened a few hours ago.

Ahh, might be this happens every few hours is there away to stop that behaviour?

I don’t think so.

Hi @z33ma,

Boosted apps do restart twice a day automatically and sometimes more frequently due to infrastructure maintenance. @aboutdavid is correct, there is not a way to stop that.

We are aware that frequent restarts (and associated reinstalls, which sometimes take time) can be annoying and we’re looking at ways to reduce the frequency of reinstalls in the future.
