[Signup thread] Glitch Community Testing 🧪

Did you know that we have a community testing group? So far we’ve had the group test custom domains on Glitch using Fastly TLS, and right now they’re testing Fastly-enabled Glitch apps. We’re are expanding the reach of who we invited to testing and so this thread has been created as a space for folks to reply and ask to join the group.

You’ll know you’re already in the group if this URL to our latest testing thread is accessible! If it’s not, let us know you wanted to be added by replying to this thread!

:test_tube: :lab_coat: :petri_dish: :stopwatch: :flags:

Note: If I’ve given your request below a like, that means you’ve been added!


Could I join the testing group?

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Absolutely, you’re in!

I also added a note that I’ll give a <3 to any request once they’ve been added going forward, that way I’m not adding too much noise to the thread.


wholy smokes. count me in!

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I would like to join.

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I’m interested.


I’d love to be added to the testing group!!


Could I join the group?

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Hi there, would like to please join. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Could I possibly become a part of the testing group, please?

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I’d really like to be added to the testing group if possible

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Can I please join the testing group?

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Yes please!

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no idea what any of those words mean, but it sounds interesting.

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I’d be interested in testing with Fastly!


:person_raising_hand: I’m interested too


I am interested in joining.

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I’m gonna be buying my first domain, therefore, I would like to join as well.

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Count me in

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… somehow, I hadn’t gotten to this test (even though I’d been notified of it happening). How can I help?