Simple example of React universal app rendering (es6/7/jsx)

Here’s a (mostly working) universal rendering example app. For whatever reason I’m getting a client/server mismatch - however it’s probably something small I’m overlooking but don’t have time to continue on this right now.

@devs Hyperdev is saweet! My only request would be to use a es6/7/jsx syntax checker for all JS files, as right now the editor complains about my jsx stuff.

One other thought, it would be nice if /public was programmatically writable. I’m working around this with the webpack middleware - but it is very inefficient for larger builds due to frequent server restarts.


nice example.

My only request would be to use a es6/7/jsx syntax checker for all JS files

@jonjaques did you try write jsx codes with .jsx file extension?

like this:!/project/bush-tongue

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