Simple Secure Proxy

I know there are a number of proxies out there we can use if we want to use our own custom domain with our Glitch apps (such as AWS CloudFront, Cloudflare, Fly, etc) as suggested officially here :

However I thought it was also useful to try this myself since I find it easier to add a small config file to a server instead of having to log in to whichever provider and configure everything up.

Currently the proxy uses the following:

  • A LightSail Instance and their DNS
  • Nginx
  • CertBot
  • LetsEncrypt

You can see an example app here :

Is this something you’d be interested in reading about? If so, I’ll write it up and re-post back here once it’s done. If not, that’s cool. :slight_smile:


Yes, very interested!


I’d be interested in reading about it too!