@SpeedyCraftah in addition to exporting and importing to GitHub, you can click Tools ^ in the editor, then selecting Git, Import, Export. There you’ll find a URL you can plug into git clone or any other git access tool. Hope that helps!
When cloning my glitch repo using the url (https://api.glitch.com/git/myproject)
It asks me to authenticate (username and password)
I am unsure what to provide. I have tried inputting username as my github username and password as my github password but it did not work
The developer console is a tool in your browser, it gives you the ability to inspect the HTML node tree and monitor your network activity and so on. It also provides you a console that allows you to execute JavaScript on the document’s (page’s) node tree. The console will get access to the document’s document, window and localStorage objects (and more). On any browser based on Chromium the developer tools are usually accessible through F12 key or a combination of these keys Command or Control+ SHIFT + I. You’ll notice that a new panel will show up in your browser. Usually the default tab on that panel is the Inspector, you can navigate to the console by pressing on the console title, if that doesn’t appear, press on double right arrow button and then press on the console button there.