Slack bot fails to enable events

I was walking through this tutorial

At the end is says to use the /slack/receive URL to enable events
I have entered my version of this project’s URL with the /slack/receive and I get this error:

Your request URL gave us a 500 error. Update your URL to receive a new request and challenge value.

Nothing in the gomix logs, I’m not sure where this issue is and how to go about fixing it.

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I can’t reproduce your issue, so I’d double-check the prior steps.

Having remixed the project on Gomix, create the app on Slack, add the token and secret from Slack to the .env file in your Gomix project and then set the following URLs (replacing project-name with your project’s own) in the OAuth, Interactive Messages and finally Events fields:

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Yes, I must have missed something. Everything is working perfectly now.

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Hey can you share the steps how to create a slash command ? Is there any type of authentication require at the server side?