[solved] My discord bot getting errors randomly when i use quick.db

So I am hosting a Discord bot and recently i added some economy commands but after that my bot started to get errors randomly because of quick db. I can fix it by running npm install bindings but after few hours it gets the same errors again.
I am wondering if there’s a permanent solution for this.
(my project name is ms-indinibee(its private))

What’s the error ?

throw err;


Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried:

→ /rbd/pnpm-volume/99829532-0420-45ca-bae4-b79559ca4a6a/node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/better_sqlite3.node

If you are using node 12, downgrade to node 10 and reinstall, and the problem should be fixed.

If it doesn’t work, try to update to the latest version of quick.db

Downgrading didn’t fix
Also I am using the latest version of quick.db

It happens when logs say:
node v12.0.0, with pnpm

And one of glitch devs said this error might cause the error:
Falling back to copying packages from store
WARN EXDEV: cross-device link not permitted, link

Does anyone know how to fix this EXDEV error?

try using enable-pnpm


What I did, is go down a whole version. I went from node 12, to node 11.x to get the latest version. And everything should be fine.

Discord.js v12 requires node 12 and above I’m pretty sure so what are we supposed to do???

Error: Could not locate the bindings file. | Using quick.db U could try this tho

I think i fixed it, first i downgraded my project’s node version to 12 and updated npm version. After that, Bot couldn’t find quick.db module (it was in package.json) I wrote enable-npm in console and it isnt giving errors now
EDIT: It might take up to 5 minutes to wake the project up. And it will probably use too much ram / cpu when waking it up
(use npm i npm to update your npm version)