Soooo....what do i do here?

@rvakid82 I recommend first using this very simple tutorial from Glitch themselves This will get your bot set up. Then you can search up for other things to do with it or commands like ping.

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I’m trying to do this tutorial from the intro to javaScript class but there are no instructions in the read me file i just says ‘write a function’ or other stuff that I don’t know what they are. I checked the ‘helpful links’ but it doesn’t make sense. This is really frustrating, it was supposed to be a beginner class but I don’t understand anything. Do i need to learn other languages before JavaScript?

We’ve just had a really long discussion about starting to learn Javascript here on Glitch over at: Soooo....what do i do here?

Yes I remember. I’m sorry I was confused, I thought reviewing this beginner exercise would help me learn basic javascript. Maybe then I can learn node or something else? I don’t know why this is so complicated

If you are learning JavaScript, w3schools is a great place to go.