Statuspage Discord Bot

how do I make a status page discord bot like the one in the glitch discord server

Thats a webhook and its open source im pretty sure

Check out this Github repo

Or this

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Can you help me set it up @Misly

@anon43649539 I connected the bot to my account but how do I connect it to is a paid service, you won’t be able to do that.

no it is free @ihack2712

Right, I was reading on some other feature stuff on their page, I take back my comment.

There is also another way, but Glitch will have to enable the feature on their statuspage. The feature is a webhook URL (which should be available under the ‘Subscribe For Updates’ section) which can be used on Discord.

I don’t see that option @khalby786Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 11.27.37 AM v

That is what I said, Glitch needs to enable it for their statuspage.

Hey, drop me a link for the Glitch Discord Server. Thanks

This is not an official server, just a community made server.

But what if I use it for my own status page

I don’t understand what you mean by that.

how do I enable the feature

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