Thoughts on the VPN block

It was on multiple VPN providers. I just said the one I was currently using.
Also, I’m not buying another VPN because, you know, they cost money.


As you know, some of them are free

And I’m using free VPN as well.

Most of the free VPNs I tried are slow and recently had database breaches. None of them worked on Glitch. Almost all of them had advertisements (and I would not like popups while surfing the web)

my vpn also had a user breaches and it costed nothing

You should not use these as they may log your IP or


I had a free proxy and I use to code on glitch some times on restricted networks
I’ve actually used both tor and also another free proxy to connect

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Its quite possible that any VPN could be logging your browsing history.


True, but just like @javaarchive, I actually used to have a proxy but I barely used it since glitch actually worked…

I do use soundtrap, which I need to use the proxy for…

This is one of the reasons why I don’t have a free vpn.

Why do you need a proxy for soundtrap?

I use something to let me get access. For some reason my network does not like soundtrap