[Tutorial] Username and ID to the User and guildMember classes in Discord.js

For the best experience of the tutorial, read everything to actually understand how this works.

Alright, hello, I am back here with another tutorial.
So username and ID accessibility is something I see as a common problem in Discord.js for newer developers. So in this thread, I am just going to go through how you can use it to make a unban command using these functions.
Alright, so first of all we need our file and the command handler, in my case this will be commands/unban.js and the code inside would be

const Discord = require(`discord.js`);

module.exports.run = async(client, message, args) => {


Alright so now we got to set up the variables, we are just going to do the username/ID and reason for the unban.

const Discord = require(`discord.js`);

module.exports.run = async(client, message, args) => {

let User = args[0];
let Reason = args.slice(1).join(` `);
if (!User) return message.reply(`Who are we unbanning?`);
if (!Reason) Reason = `Unbanned by ${message.author.tag}`

Alright so now that we got the variables to do stuff with, we need to fetch the bans and check if the username or UserID in the first element, args[0], is in there, and if it is not we are just going to return a reply that the user is not banned.

const Discord = require(`discord.js`);

module.exports.run = async(client, message, args) => {

let User = args[0];
let Reason = args.slice(1).join(` `);
if (!User) return message.reply(`Who are we unbanning?`);
if (!Reason) Reason = `Unbanned by ${message.author.tag}`

.then(bans => {
if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.username))) {

else if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.id))) {

else {
return message.reply(`This person is not banned`);

Now that we got to find the banned user in a new variable. This is not needed in ID, since unban uses the ID to unban.

const Discord = require(`discord.js`);

module.exports.run = async(client, message, args) => {

let User = args[0];
let Reason = args.slice(1).join(` `);
if (!User) return message.reply(`Who are we unbanning?`);
if (!Reason) Reason = `Unbanned by ${message.author.tag}`

.then(bans => {
if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.username))) {
let user = bans.find(user => user.username === User);

else if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.id))) {

else {
return message.reply(`This person is not banned`);

Alright so now we need to actually unban them with the reason provided in the rest of the message.

const Discord = require(`discord.js`);

module.exports.run = async(client, message, args) => {

let User = args[0];
let Reason = args.slice(1).join(` `);
if (!User) return message.reply(`Who are we unbanning?`);
if (!Reason) Reason = `Unbanned by ${message.author.tag}`

.then(bans => {
if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.username))) {
let user = bans.find(user => user.username === User);

message.guild.unban(user.id, Reason);
else if (bans.some(u => User.includes(u.id))) {

message.guild.unban(User, Reason);
else {
return message.reply(`This person is not banned`);

And there we got it! That’s how you can use Username and ID accessibility in a unban command!
Reply with some ideas on helpful tutorials for Discord.js and I will try my best to get it done!
Hope it helped, see you later!


the coded same but the bot always says the person isnt banned even the person is banned i tried unbanning with the user id user name tagging the person but it always says person isnt banned pls help asap plss