TypeError: Cannot read property 'includes' of undefined

hello there! I’ve been gettin this error from my code can someone please help!

code =

const discord = require("discord.js");
const config = require("./config.json");

const client = new discord.Client({autoReconnect: true});
const options = {
    host: 'mc.hypixel.net',
    port: 25565,
    version: '1.8.9',
    username: config["minecraft-username"],
    password: config["minecraft-password"],

// minecraft bot stuff vv
let mc;
(function init() {
    console.log("Logging in.");
    mc = mineflayer.createBot(options);
    mc._client.once("session", session => options.session = session);
    mc.once("end", () => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("Connection failed. Retrying..");
        }, 60000);

let uuid;
let name;
mc.on("login", () => {
    uuid = mc._client.session.selectedProfile.id;
    name = mc._client.session.selectedProfile.name;
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("Sending to limbo.");
        mc.chat("/achat \u00a7c<3");
    }, 1000);
    mc.chat("/gc Logged in")

mc.on("message", (chatMsg) => {
    const msg = chatMsg.toString();
    console.log("Minecraft: ".brightGreen + msg);
    if (msg.endsWith(" joined the lobby!") && msg.includes("[MVP+")) {
        console.log("Sending to limbo.");
        mc.chat("/achat \u00a7ca");

    if (msg.startsWith("Guild >") && msg.includes(":")) {
        let v = msg.split(" ", 2);
        if (v[2].includes(name + ":") || v[3].includes(name + ":")) return;

        let splitMsg = msg.split(" ");
        let i = msg.indexOf(":");
        let splitMsg2 = [msg.slice(0,i), msg.slice(i+1)];
        let sender, sentMsg;
        if (splitMsg[2].includes("[")) {
            sender = splitMsg[3].replace(":","");
        } else {
            sender = splitMsg[2].replace(":","");
        sentMsg = splitMsg2[1];

        let embed = new discord.RichEmbed()
            .setAuthor(sender + ": " + sentMsg, "https://www.mc-heads.net/avatar/" + sender)


// discord bot stuff vv
client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("Discord: Logged in.".bgBlue);

client.on("message", (message) => {
    if (message.channel.id !== config["discord-channel"] || message.author.bot || message.content.startsWith(config["discord-bot-prefix"])) return;
    console.log("Discord: ".blue + message.author.username + ": " + message.content);
    mc.chat("/gc d. " + message.author.username.replace(" ", "") + ": " + message.content);


Projects name - discord-bot-bridge
Error = /app/index.js:52
if (v[2].includes(name + “:”) || v[3].includes(name + “:”)) return;
^TypeError: Cannot read property ‘includes’ of undefined
Jump Toat EventEmitter. (/app/index.js:52:18)
I’d appriciate if someone helps, thanks

It’s because you are limiting that to only split for 2 elements, but you are asking for the 3rd element. Try to limit it for 4 elements (let v = msg.split(" ", 4);)

okay lemme try that rq

hey it worked ty

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