We're currently experiencing a service interruption - updates here

We are all awake! Our policy is to update statuspage hourly if there are no significant changes to the incident on the user’s side.


Sorry about that I just wasn’t aware of that forgive me

Also @HiroKryptor the chances of your source code getting lost are slim to none. This is simply only an issue with the api and editors themselves the projects are as my knowledge stored in containers that host 10 projects at a time. I believe that it wouldn’t cause your source code to be deleted as there is backup’s through rewind

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To add on to @TrissieTheHusky‘s answer, Glitch keeps backups of your projects. If anything goes wrong e.g data loss, then you can request Glitch to restore your project from a backup.


@TrissieTheHusky @charliea21

Server down != data loss. Your data is safe as the databases remain unaffected, especially if you can’t access them during downtime

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There’s always still a chance of data loss. It’s happened to me before due to outages.

Thank you :). Active community. I hope problem will fix soon.

That is true but in this day in age it is a lot easier to recover lost data

Also Welcome to the community @HiroKryptor! :smiley:
I also hope this issue is resolved soon

Community Site isn’t loading now.


Definitely not working

Try use this: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/your-project-here It works.

THANK GOD, my bot is still live :slight_smile:

Only the glitch.com doesn’t work. Others work right now.

API, Community Site and Hosting are still down. Editor works fine.

API and Hosting work now. Only community site doesn’t work.

Everything works now.

Thats good to hear same on my end :smiley: ofcourse it could begin to not work again so just prepare for that

Api is down again