WitAi Messenger Bot

Can anyone help me out, I’m having trouble getting response from WitAi.
I followed all the steps in the tutorial (Wit.ai | Building a Messenger Bot with Scott Arnold - YouTube)
But it always returns the same message.
‘ask me something like ‘what time is it in Menlo Park?’ or ‘how far from Menlo Park to Seattle?’’

Can you share the reponse from the server and the API route you are using so I could look at the docs?

Listening on :1988…
app.js:192 sha1=111d9e756ff6a2cacbab681c614e579b9ec700de
app.js:110 200 POST /webhook
wit_handler.js:2 data from wit:
wit_handler.js:3 {“text”:“Qual a temperatura em canoas?”,“intents”:[{“id”:“371463165067381”,“name”:“horaEMcidade”,“confidence”:0.9909}],“entities”:{“wit$location:location”:[{“id”:“999535477388437”,“name”:“wit$location”,“role”:“location”,“start”:22,“end”:28,“body”:“canoas”,“confidence”:0.9149,“entities”:,“suggested”:true,“value”:“canoas”,“type”:“value”}]},“traits”:{}}


What is the error in this? The API seems to return a 200 OK.

witai does not respond to what is asked, only returns the message of "hello world”

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