Discord Bot goes down every day for exactly the same error

I don’t know, I don’t know how you’ve ended up with this error in the first place, when your source code isn’t available it’s hard to know what caused it.

Should I PM you the invite code to the project?

Sure, I’ll happily try to debug the error :slight_smile:

PM’ed the invite code.

I think there is a bug with quick.db because this error happened to me sometime ago. I fixed it by removing the “^” character at quick.db’s version at package.json, this is very weird

You should not mess with the version by hand.

I tried everything the forum has ever said but it only worked when i changed the version by hand…

Maybe you should try downloading the project and work locally and try to clean up the project a little bit, the structure and files were really hard to look through. And there are plenty of bad practices. I really recommend you clean up a little bit. It will make debugging very much easier.

Hey,there is an error with q.db causing it to return that error on node v12

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