Discord.js Very simple question with arguments

I think that was from console.log(args.shift().join(' ')); though - I’m asking for you to me the updated version of this from console.log(args);

Oh yes correct sorry


<@536467985783848971> Testing if this works or not


const member = message.mentions.members.first();
var Embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(${member} was warned for ${args.slice(0).join(' ')})
console.log(args.slice(0).join(’ '));

So console.log(args); logs the text below into the Glitch project logs?

yes it logs it
<@536467985783848971> Testing if this works or not

Is that in an array?

I just want to remove the 1st argument is there any other way like


Can you try this to get a string of everything past the first argument: args.slice(1).join(' ');
And if you just want an array of everything past the first argument: args.slice(1);

I think the first argument might be the bot prefix

No it’s not actually

const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(' ');

Then args.slice(0).join(' '); should work fine

I think that it also has space maybe that’s why it’s happening

It worked thanks very much

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